ALT Homegrown Spotlight: Best Sleep

The original vision for Best Sleep was a fun hobby to get together, drink beers, and write songs. There was little intention of playing serious shows in town and even less ambition of getting out of town.

After the acceptance of the EP from the Fort Wayne community and the positive feedback about their live performances a bigger picture started to become more clear. The core of Best Sleep, Sean and Dan, is still in tact, but the rhythm section has a new look adding Jacob Gutzwiller on bass and Nolan Dye on drums.

Best Sleep is still rooted in the creation process and having fun while creating. With a full length set to release October 31 of this year and a small, but consistent touring schedule the vision for Best Sleep has grown. The near future goals are to continue writing, touring, and playing locally to expand their audience. Loftier goals still seem more like dreams so the band is content with focusing on small goals and seeing how the project can grow organically.

Best Sleep Vignette Promo

Best Sleep Thursday Feature

Best Sleep Sunday Feature